Sunday, July 10, 2011

Science History In A Nutshell

Newton was a mad man, laden with gravity; Einstein burdened by quantum uncertainty; Both knew Schroedinger who knew where it was at.....All three were soundly shredded by Schrody's non-existent cat!


Monday, June 13, 2011

A Very Relaxing Day

Peace & Joy To Everyone! :-)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Test Post

This Is A Painted Turtle That I Found By The Curb Near Where Live.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 2009 ???

Wow! Last post in October of 2008? And I never even got back to it until now?! ...tsk tsk tsk!

Fishe Du Jour is intended to be the lighthearted part of me, where I can let my hair down, and save the more serious matters for The Humble Fishe blog ( This here blog (stated in Native Missouriese) is for laughter, a light disposition, and for just plain being zany when I want to; (the earlier 'Haiku of the Du' travesty is a prime example, as most of the references are 'in' jokes, known only to my wife an me...*evil chortle*).

Save for the first post--the longest post to receive a follow-up of the blogs I have on Blogger--the rest of 'This Here Blog' (again, in Native Missouriese) will contain 'Humorous, Or-At-Least-So, Anecdotes' ('Them Funny Tales' in Native Missouriese [henceforth known as "NatMizz"]), News From The Towns (Inspired by M. Night Shamalayan's "The Village," mainly because I feel like I'm one of The Village Folk,, who, once ignorant of the world beyond The Woods, am now empowered by the forbidden lore obtained from one of the Elders's secret diaries, and now I 'know too much; of course, I haven't told any Elders *snicker* ;->), and the occasional Weird Snippet(s) Of The Absurd.

So here they are, in order of mention:

1. Humorous, Or-At-Least-So Anecdotes
2. News From The Towns
3. Weird Snippets Of The Absurd

I think that the above three should give me a good base from which to work. As to how their use will be put to the blogosphere, I will have to go light up one of my many banana peels (well aged Peruvian organic harvested) and meditate on the issue.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Today Is The First "Real and Official" Post

Hello Bloggers. My name is Stephen Brown. I live in the Great State of Missouri, and am originally from the Great State of Michigan.

I live a little ways out of the capital city of Jefferson City, where I seem to have settled; this, not of my own desire, as Michigan forever calls me to my True Home.

Four years ago, while I was Online, I met the woman who was to become my wife. I moved down here, married her, and am still here. She and I are a bit out of sorts here, as we have very little in common with the local element.

Our interests are more suited to a more liberally-minded community, and this locale is very very conservative. Perhaps liberal really isn't what I wish to convey: 'egalitarian' is more descriptive of what I mean to impart in terms of feeling about a more ideal place for my wife and me to 'Be.'

We are not of the Christian Religion, and that pretty much negates much of the community in terms of what is termed 'family socialization.' We have no children, so there really isn't a 'family' element; it's just my wife and me. To me, that *is* 'family,' but to others, family must include children as an element to qualify as 'family' fare, and we are not in a position to have children in our lives at this time, outside of visitations with Relatives and their own offspring.

We are not members of any civic groups, either, although that may change. Myself, I am getting edgy, not being able to 'help people,' and civic groups like Lions, Kiwanis, and Rotary all have their involvements with community building. Not being involved doesn't help things, so I am looking in to becoming involved. Truthfully, we don't really know if we want to get involved, considering how we've been treated by a number of people here. The Relatives aren't making it any easier, and we have our disagreements. These issues are becoming tiresome to deal with on an ongoing basis.

Finding a place that one can call one's own is a difficult and longsuffering process, not really responding well to to rushing or speedy solutions. Still, we are in need of knowing that we, indeed, have a place to Be. This, I think, is not that place. Still, it is where we are now, and where we will be for a while, until finances improve.

Jenn (my wife) and I are tired of living here. I was more at home in Michigan, even with the cold of Winter, and the snow. The seasons are more delineated in Michigan, where four seasons can be experienced directly. I grew up both mowing lawns and blowing snow with a snowblower, splitting wood with a mini-sledge hammer and a steel wedge, and bagging grass and filling many lawn-and-leaf bags.

I have been deer hunting in November, and boating on the northern lakes in July. I have celebrated in my home town of Gaylord during the local summertime festival, "Alpenfest," and have spent time around a warm campfire roasting hot dogs and hamburgers while snowmobiling in February.

I have been in Missouri for four years now, and haven't been involved in anything. I am not happy here. I long to share the activities of my youth with my wife. It will take some time to build up a cash reserve. Being mildly learning disabled, I also have much work to do to master the likes of Algebra, Chemistry, and General Science, all three of which are so important to a successfully completed College Education.

I am still working on that College Education, and am having the same problems resurface every time I go back. I am tired of going back, but know that this is the way to success in my country; still, I am failing in this endeavor. When I will succeed, I do not know. It is going to take a long time at this rate.

I am in need of being near the Great Lakes, as well as the northern inland lakes of Michigan. I grew up there. My wife doesn't really want to leave her parents, and I understand the importance of having a mother and father with whom you can interact, as I lost both of mine at an early age. My mother at 55 from breast cancer, and my father at 67, from a congenital brain disorder. I don't want to 'take her away' from her folks, but her mother can be emotionally caustic to her when she is experiencing anxiety, although that is lessening. Her father is the more balanced of the two, and the two of them are--pardon the cliche', 'like peas in a pod.'

Regular visits back here to her parents are definitely a necessity, although it *is* time we do something drastic to cut the apron strings once and for all, find our own Ways and Means, and apply them liberally and establish our Independence on no uncertain terms!

Our lives have become stagnant at a time when we should both be experiencing a plethora of life-enriching Experiences. The lack of same is discouraging, and wears on us each day we continue to just sit, sit and do nothing.

I am ready for change.
I am ready to change.
I am ready to invoke change.
I want to change.
We are both ready to Experience.
